Our team

Imran Manzoor

Diversity and Inclusion consultant

Imran is the founder of Breaking the Silence, a psychotherapeutic programme founded in West Yorkshire, but now operating nationally. We support male survivors, from racialised communities, who experienced trauma and abuse in childhood. Over 1000 men have accessed our services since our inception in 2012.

Imran is a trained psychotherapist, behavioural psychologist, trainer, racial justice campaigner and educator. He regularly delivers training on the intersections of race and gender; men, honour based abuse/violence and forced marriage; spiritual abuse; the psychologization of the PREVENT agenda; white nationalism, Incels and online hate. He is a guest lecturer for the University of Bradford and Nottingham Trent Universities. He is also a specialist in Holocaust Education and its contemporary relevance (e.g. PREVENT, Windrush) and has worked in collaboration with several institutes, including the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum, to improve the standard of their English language programmes and remove/improve language that upholds structures of inequality.

Imran is also a board member of the Ministry of Justice’ funded Male Survivor Partnership. He has also carried out consultancy roles  for both the MoJ (Victims Bill consultations) and the Home Office (updating the Male Survivor Position Statement that is incorporated in the VAWG strategy).

Other associate work includes SafeLives and HOPE training and consultancy, and recently delivered a series of focus groups with sector leaders and staff from racialised communities to identify the key requirements for a workforce development and leadership programme for racialised communities engaging those who cause harm ion intimate and family relationships.

Imran is an experienced speaker, having appeared across a range of platforms, from academia to national radio. He is alo frequent guest on podcasts marketed as South Asian audiences, focusing on mental health and masculinity.

If you would like to find out more about Consultancy, please contact us on 02475 101500