Equality analysis

Meaningful EA’s (also known as Equality impact assessments/EIA's) enable your business to assess and improve its performance, it also allows an organisation to ensure that it does not disadvantage or there are adverse impacts on communities.

It is beneficial to carry out Equality Analysis should be carried out where a:

  • service is being reviewed or developed
  • new policy, procedure or guidance is being developed
  • restructure is taking place
  • new function is being developed
  • funding bid or tender is being submitted

There are so many business benefits to carrying out Equality analysis including:

  • increasing efficiency and effectiveness 
  • developing a responsive service to service users/clients  
  • mitigating business risk 
  • avoiding damage to reputation  
  • demonstrating to external organisations that your organisation values equality, diversity and inclusion

How can we help you?

We can support you in the following ways:

  • Review and enhance your current equality analysis templates/guidance
  • Develop a new equality analysis template/guidance
  • Deliver equality analysis training

If you would like to implement an equality analysis process in your organisation, review your current equality analysis processes or would like training delivered regarding equality analysis get in touch!